Friday, October 19, 2012

Have You Seen My Potty?

I'm not going to lie to you.  This book is pretty weird.  If you are at all uncomfortable with what they call "potty humor" this is not the book for you.  However, if you are trying to introduce your toddler to the concept of toilet training in a really low-stress way, you might want to check out Have You Seen My Potty?  

There are so many potty books out there.  Pretty much every television character that's popular with the toddler set has produced a book or a DVD telling kids how awesome it is to use the toilet.  The Dora book with the button that makes the flushing noise may be one of the more annoying things ever to enter our home.  Have You Seen My Potty? is definitely a potty book, but it takes a more interesting approach.  The book tells the story of Suzy Sue, who has something very important to do.  Something important that she does every day...can you guess what it is?  Unfortunately one of the farm animals has made off with her little red potty and now all the animals are using it, vastly improving hygiene conditions on the farm but making it impossible for poor Suzy Sue to do her business.  It all works out, and by the end of the book Suzy Sue has her potty back and the farm has never smelled fresher.

Both of my kids have enjoyed this book.  The Buddy liked it when she was about two, although I don't think it made her feel the slightest bit more motivated to use the toilet.  She thought it was hilarious, and would crack up at the same point every time.  We must have hit it just right with the Nugget though because it did seem to get her to take more of an interest in the whole thing.  The rhyming text is fun to read out loud and the illustrations are perfect for the funny-and-a-little-wacky theme of the book.  I'm not sure I'd recommend it to anyone not actively working on potty training but if you find yourself at the point where you'll try anything to get your kid interested in the idea (and believe me, I've been there...twice) then this book just might work.  And if not, at least it's kind of funny.

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