
Hi.  I'm Karoline.  This is my blog.  I have two little girls, a five-year-old Buddy and a two-year-old Nugget.  I like to read to them.  

As a kid, books were really important to me.  They made life more fun and made bad days better.  Reading was how I learned that there was something out there beyond my little world.  I wasn't sure how I would impart this feeling to my children when I had them, but I knew that was something I wanted to do.

When the Buddy was about a year old, we started making a weekly trip to the library.  At first she spent a lot of time crawling around and trying to chew on the books, but gradually we started looking for books together and finding new ones that we both loved, and some that we both hated.  Four years later, we're still discovering new books together.  Now I'm starting the process again with her sister, but in a completely different way.

During the early days of our library trips, I would often stand in front of the packed shelves and wonder where to start.  There were tons of books, but how would I know which ones were fun to read out loud, which ones could help explain a difficult situation, and which ones were scary, inappropriate, or otherwise just not that good?   So hence this blog.  I thought it might help other moms and dads figure out what they want to read to their kids.  

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